Download for Windows
Install the app from EDAMAME or the Microsoft Store.
Install the open-source system helper from GitHub to enable advanced system access and remediations.
Install npcap, the packet capture library from the Nmap team, to unlock the traffic capture feature.

Download for Windows
Install the app from EDAMAME or the Microsoft Store.
Install the open-source system helper from GitHub to enable advanced system access and remediations.
Install npcap, the packet capture library from the Nmap team, to unlock the traffic capture feature.

Download for Windows
Install the app from EDAMAME or the Microsoft Store.
Install the open-source system helper from GitHub to enable advanced system access and remediations.
Install npcap, the packet capture library from the Nmap team, to unlock the traffic capture feature.

Download for macOS
Install the full app installer from EDAMAME.
Or install the app from the Mac App Store and then install the open-source system helper from GitHub to enable advanced system access and remediations.

Download for macOS
Install the full app installer from EDAMAME.
Or install the app from the Mac App Store and then install the open-source system helper from GitHub to enable advanced system access and remediations.

Download for macOS
Install the full app installer from EDAMAME.
Or install the app from the Mac App Store and then install the open-source system helper from GitHub to enable advanced system access and remediations.

Download for Linux
Setup the EDAMAME signed Debian repository by following the instructions on GitHub.

Download for Linux
Setup the EDAMAME signed Debian repository by following the instructions on GitHub.

Download for Linux
Setup the EDAMAME signed Debian repository by following the instructions on GitHub.